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dc.contributor.authorUma Chakravarti-
dc.description.abstractThis book examines the relationship of Buddhism to its locus, the expanding agrarian economy of the Ganga valley during the period 600-300 b c . It outlines the contours of the major social and economic groups that were the dramatic personae in this dynamic process, espeff/ lltrtm/itl tlfVirten i'rtld in XlAHl ^ IVf » f r W * k IU 4 UA 11 k 4A L**r VV A IV 1 A. I j Mr IV4L^ X 4 received the attention it deserves. The work explores the emergence of sharp differentiation between those in control of the means of production, who dom in ated the ag ra rian scene, and those marginalized groups whose labour was essential to the expanding economy but who remained vulnerable, being excluded from both economic and social power. It also examines the changing political environment and the gradual collapse of the gana-sanghas in the face of the expanding monarchical formations of the Ganga valley. Buddhism's complex response to this changing economic, social and political context is the central concern of this book. It argues that Buddhism responded in a dialectical manner to the economy, society, and power, conceptualizing in a more humane, if not "radical', way the direction in which a changing society could re-order social and political relations. Dr. Uma Chakravarti teaches History at Miranda House, University of Delhi. She has held a research fellowship at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi between 1990-94. She has published several articles in the field of social history particularly on caste, labour and gender. Among her forthcoming publications is a book titled Gender, Class and Nation: The Life and Times ofPandita Ramabai,en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsAbbreviations ix Glossary xi Acknowledgements xiii I. Introduction 1 II, The Political, Economic, Social, and Religious Environment at the Time o f Buddha 7 S e c t io n I: T he P o l it ic a l B a c k g r o u n d of B u d d h ism Monarchies, gana-sartghas and state formation — Khattiya dans and the gana-sahghas S e c t io n II: E c o n o m y a n d So c ie t y a t th e T ime of B u d d h a Expansion o f agriculture - The second urbanization - Craft production and trade - The pattern o f landholding — Emergence o f a stratified society — Occupational groups and the process o f tribal assimilation - The importance o f kinship ties - Women in the Buddhist literature S e c t i o n III: T h e R e l i g i o u s M i l i e u Philosophical speculation in the sixth century B.C. — p r > n n n c '1 i H n n * P * householders - Santanas and brdhmanas * + - Brdhman*a as a normative term — Other sects at the time o f the Buddha - Buddhism and other sects - The sahgha - The bhikkhus and the laity - Dana versus yahha - The laity*s influence on the sahgha - The new society and the phenomenon o f renunciation HI, The Gahapati 65 Changing connotation o f the term gahapati - T h e domains o f power, religion and economy — Khattiya, brdhmana and gahapati - The gahapati as an element o f the king's sovereignty - The gahapati as controller o f property - The gahapati as tax payer - The gahapati as vi Contents associated with agriculture - The brdhmana-gahapati - Gahapatit setthi, and setthi-gahapati - Gahapati as employer o f labour - Gahapati as a status term - The gahapaiVs association with wealth — The gahapatis as extenders o f popular support to Buddhism - The gahapati’s special relationship with the sahgha - G/ttjrirt/ih' and gdmant — Gahapati. from householder to agriculturist - The social organization o f the ganasahghas - Landholding in the gana-sahghas - Tension within the gana-sahghas - T wo types of sahghas — Some implications of clan ownership o f land - Clan ownership of land, kkattiyas and the gana-sahghas - The gahapati, the family, agriculture and the private control of land IV. Social Stratification as Reflected in the Buddhist Texts 94 The problem - Buddhism and caste - Two schemes of categorization in the Buddhist texts - Terms of categorization - High and low strata in Buddhist texts - Regional dimension of stratification - The relationship of kula, kantma, and sippd - Empirical relevance of vanna, jati, and kula — The Buddhist view of stratification; the sahgha - Stratification outside the sahgha — Principles of stratification based on kula, kamma and sippa - Evidence of stratification from / - > * _ _ i _ _ T i . _ ’ _____________________ _ _ _________________ ___ i : i __h i _ _ n ______ i j i _ — a nt: m i p u i udiit c u i m e m ajvava\aia— ist view o f stratification V. The Social Background o f the Early Buddhists 122 The problem — The method — The sahgha - Social origins of important bhikkhus — Important hhikkhus of khattiya origin - The laity - The brdhmana component o f the laity - Important gahapati supporters o f the Buddha - Other prominent supporters of the Buddha — Khattiya, brahmana, and gahapati; key figures in the Buddhist texts - Wealthy supporters o f Buddhism - The importance o f kinship ties in the < \f f n R it /lf lV ilcm .— ■ *— —r i — -— -----—' ■-A--n--i l-1u—c r c -r-t f f-lip social composition of the early Buddhists * VI. The King in Early Buddhism 150 General ideas on kingship - The origin of kingship in Contents vn the Buddhist genesis myth - Seven symbols of sovereignty — Despotic kingship at the time o f the Buddha - Legitimate exercise of power - Arbitrary exercise o f power — Normative kingship: the cakkavatti dhammiko dhammardja - The creation o f just social order - The king and the sahgha VII. Conclusion: Early Buddhism in a Historical Perspective Appendices A. Select List o f Terms Depicting Various Strata in Early Buddhist Literature B. List o f Categories appearing in Early Brahmi Inscriptions C. The Social Background o f the Bhikkhus and Upasakas Bibliography Indexen_US
dc.publisherMunshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectKinh điển và triết học phật giáoen_US
dc.subjectLịch sử và văn hóa phật giáoen_US
dc.subjectPhật giáo nhập thế và các vấn đề xã hội đương đạien_US
dc.titleSocial Dimensions of Early Buddhismen_US
Appears in Collections:CSDL Phật giáo

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