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Title: Popular Buddhist Texts from Nepal_ Narratives and Rituals of Newar Buddhism (1)
Authors: Todd Thornton Lewis
Keywords: Kinh điển và triết học phật giáo
Phật giáo nhập thế và các vấn đề xã hội đương đại
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: Foreword by Gregory Schopen ; Chapter 1. Introduction:Buddhism as a Pragmatic Religious Tradition ; Popular Narratives and their “Domestication”in Buddhist Communities ; The Development of Buddhist Ritualism ; The Ritual Innovations of Mahayana Buddhism ; Nepal and Newar Buddhism ; The Context and Paradoxes of Modernity ; Chapter 2. Stupas and Spouses:The ShrngabheriAvadana ; Background ; Translation ; The Domestication of the Text ; Observations on the History of Practical Buddhism ; Chapter 3. Merchants,Demonesses,and Missionary Faith: The Simhalasarthabahu Avadana ; Background ; Translation ; The Domestication of the Text ; Observations on the History of Practical Buddhism ; Chapter 4. Devotions to a Celestial Bodhisattva: The TaraVrata ; Background ; Translation ; The Domestication of the Text ; Chapter 5. Invoking the Powers of the Buddhist “Dark Lord”:The CaturdashiVrata of Mahakala ; Background ; Translation ; The Domestication of the Text ; Vratas and the History of Practical Buddhism ; Chapter 6. The Refuge of Recitation:The Pañcaraksa ; Buddhism amid Disease in the Premodern World ; Background ; Translation ; The Domestication of the Pañcaraksa Texts ; Observations on the History of Practical Buddhism ; Chapter 7. Summary and Conclusions ; Notes ; Bibliography ; Index ;
Description: This book responds to the need for locality-specific research in religious studies. Scholarship on Buddhism has been dominated either by philological-textual studies that usually have left texts unrelated to their community context(s) or by ethnographic studies that have often neglected local literati and their domesticated vernacular literatures (Cabezon 1995; Gomez 1995b). The result has been either highly idealized portrayals of Buddhism based upon a small elite’s philosophical definitions and disputations or more anthropological representations with cursory concern with a society’s doctrinal awareness or textual culture.
ISBN: 0-7914-4612-3
Appears in Collections:CSDL Phật giáo

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